
Really embodied what I've loved about an artist - Unstoppable, breathtaking, untethered, versatile, classic in her own way, abundant, unbeatable, perhaps something about her one would never grasp... Kudos to my all-time favorite 28-year-old-ROCKSTAR-becoming. Heart of Glass - One of the countless BEST EVER LIVE performances of hers. She will never let you down her … Continue reading Masterpiece.

《心墙》 选自姚若龙

picture taken at Pilgrim Monument, Cape Cod, MA 5/16/2017 2:38 PM            “一个人眺望碧海和蓝天  在心里面那抹灰就淡一些  海豚从眼前飞越  我看见了最阳光的笑脸  好时光都该被宝贝 因为有限  我学着不去担心得太远  不计划太多反而能勇敢冒险  丰富地过每一天 快乐地看每一天  Wooh~  第一次遇见阴天遮住你侧脸  有什么故事好想了解  我感觉我懂你的特别  你的心有一道墙  但我发现一扇窗  偶尔透出一丝暖暖的微光  就算你有一道墙  我的爱会攀上窗台盛放  打开窗你会看到 悲伤融化  你会闻到幸福晴朗的芬芳”